Commodore's Newsletter December 2013
2 December 2013
Dear Members
The Special General Meeting and the club’s annual Christmas Dinner went off well, and were well supported.
During the SGM, I opened the floor for suggestions from the members as to how they see the way forward for the club in order to promote sailing and to grow the membership numbers. There were several good suggestions which the new committee can follow up on.
The committee for 2014 was duly elected, and I would like to thank everybody for coming forward and volunteering to fill the open positions. Herewith the new committee:
Commodore: Jacques Magnee
Sailing Secretary: Pawel Rosiecki
Treasurer: Roy Isted
Secretary: For new committee to appoint
Membership Secretary: David Casanova
Social Secretary/Bar Member: Simon Inskip
Assistant Social/Bar Member: Laurent Gareau
Maintenance Member: Martin Walsh
Safety Boat/Berthing Member: Paul Theron
Laser/Canoe Member: Jean-Luk Allemand
Website Manager: Rasmus Johansson
I congratulated the incoming commodore, Jacques Magnee, and wished him and his committee well for the coming year. Jacques expressed his commitment and thanked me as the outgoing commodore for my efforts.
With the formalities out of the way, the dinner was served – course after course of delicious seafood with lots of wine and good cheer.
I would like to take this opportunity to wish all the members a very happy Festive Season, and a prosperous 2014. May the club go from strength to strength.
Yours in sailing
John Geddes
Outgoing Commodore