Commodores October 2013 newsletter - Special GM

Dear Members

The committee has decided that, given the number of committee members that have either left the country or are about to leave, we need to hold a Special General Meeting before December to appoint the 2014 committee.

It is therefore intended that we will combine the SGM with our Annual Christmas Party which will take place at Atlantic Lobster Restaurant, in Osu on Friday 29th  November 2013, starting at 07-00 PM. The cost of the seafood banquet meal is Ghc 60.00 which includes free beer and wine in reasonable quantities, the money can be paid in on the night.

We need to inform Atlantic Lobster of our numbers for catering purposes, so, please could you contact Zenda on and if you have any questions you can ring her on 024-975-9758.

Please let her have your confirmations by no later than 20th November 2013.

We would urge members to make every effort to attend the SGM and the party, it was a great night last year. The intention at this SGM will be to discuss the clubs future going forward and appoint the new committee for 2014 to enable the new committee members to take over from the departing members.

With regards to the committee and the positions involved, the following is the present position:

1)  I, as Commodore, am retiring in December and returning to SA however Jacques Magnee has kindly agreed to stand.

2)  Duncan MacNichol as Sailing Secretary,  has after many years on the committee decided to step down due to his work obligations.

PawelRosiecki has kindly agreed to stand for this important position.

3)  Kevin Wingfield,  our Treasurer,  is leaving Ghana in November. Kevin has done a really excellent job in bringing the club books back into line and we desperately need a competent person to take over this responsibility and fill this vital position.

4)  We presently do not have a Club Secretary.

5)  David Casanova is presently the Membership Secretary and has agreed to stay on in this position for another year.

6)  Martin Walsh as Maintenance member has also agreed to stay on in this position.

7)  Zenda Geddes as Social Secretary/Bar Member is also returning to SA at Christmas and Simon Inskip has agreed to take on this position.

8)  We need to find a lady who would be prepared to take on the Assistant Social Secretary position

9)  Paul Theron has kindly agreed to take over from Pawel the position of Safety Boat/Berthing Member.

10)We require somebody to volunteer to become the Laser/Canoe member

11) We presently do not have a Blog Member to maintain the Clubs website.

If you are prepared to stand for any of the vacant positions or if you know of any other member who would, please let me know. It is always good to have some new committee members with fresh ideas. Being on the committee is also good fun as our meetings are not that often and are always very social while still sorting out the club matters for the benefit of all.

With regards to Sailing, we have another racing day coming up on Sunday 3rd November and we would urge people to make every effort to attend.  We are planning that there will be fun sailing on the Saturday afternoon followed by an evening party barbecue, with a bonfire on the beach and some Halloween games.

So why not make a weekend of it and join in the Saturday party as well as the Sunday racing.  If you are planning to stay over on Saturday night, book your room or get the camping gear out and pitch a tent for the night.

Pawel and Duncan are going to try and make the Sunday a good fun racing day so let’s get lots of boats and crews out on the water. We will even have some sponsored prizes for the lucky sailors who impress the judges with their skills and spills!!!

I look forward to seeing you all at the Club this coming weekend and at the SGM and Christmas Party on the 29th November 2013.

Yours in sailing

John Geddes
